Hi dear friends,how is life treating you? good l hope.The weather is terrible here very wet cold and miserable,and not doing anything to make one feel very good,but what has made me feel good is this little outfit l have made.You might of noticed in my side bar that l follow some very clever ladies who smock, well this is a passion of mine although l do not do as much as l would like to, well February is national smocking month so l made this

From Australian smocking and embroidery

for my hope chest (in hope of more grandchildren) l started this a while back mainly because of Dave having cancer you start to wonder about your own mortality and l still have Samuel and Lauren who will leave home get married and have babies in the future and l have made lots of clothes for my other grandchildren and if by any chance l am not around l just want to make sure that they will have something made by me for their children, well lets forget the reason behind it and carry on.I was showing my DIL the little romper shoes and hat that l made and telling her about it being smocking month and she reminded me about Jessica's christening

gown and my step granddaughters dress l made for her christening they where christened together well l had completely forgot about these and she brought them round for me and not only had l forgotten that l had smocked a bishop neck line

l also forgot that l had also smocked the bonnet

it,s amazing what you can do when you have too ,now if you would of asked me days earlier l would of said l had never done a bonnet like this l was also amazed at the work l had put into these dresses

and was very pleased with myself it just goes to show out of sight out of mind l do not want to give these back l want them there as a permanent reminder because every now and again my confidence seems to disappear and l question my abilities even though l have made my eldest daughters wedding dress and helped my sister to make my nieces wedding dress and and Paige boy suits and matching waistcoats and cravats and loads and loads of bridesmaid dresses,l will have to see if l can get some pictures together and show you. But back to these dresses l know l will have to give them back but l am sure they will become family heirlooms . The dresses have petticoats under them and l have machine embroidered their names and dates of birth

and the date of their christening on them

but the rest of the embroidery is done by hand and Jessica also has a matching coat and bibb but the silk binding has started to yellow on this a and bit.I have found a couple of photos of that lovely day Samuel and Lauren where godparents,a little young but they do take their role seriously.

Well that was then and this is now,Jess is four in July and here she is receiving her ballet award with honours.Well done Jess we are very proud of you.

I sent Harriet hare to my dear friend Alex from pink feather paradise and some bunting that l have made,l hope they have cheered her up a little,now it was,nt a swap but she sent me some

very yummy chocolate which l must say l did not share with any one, go and take a look at the other wonder full presents Alex received.

On a final note Dave is doing very well, lots more good days we have his MRI scan on wednesday l am sure it will go well.Next time l will show you some knitting that l have een doing for my hope chest so untill then have areat day and stay war
m. Hugs Pat.