Hi my dear friends l would like to say a big thank you for all your kind words they are very much appreciated, a lot has been happening since my last post first there was our holidays that now seem a distant memory we had a lovely time and would like to do it again we then had Tabbethas christening, we had a wonderful time she was a little star and so well behaved considering she is 2 1/2 she kept us amused with her little antics. This is her dress
it had to have her name and the date on it

l forgot to take a picture of it before she wore it and l also made her cake ,l tried to do a tutorial on smocking but it did
n't turn out too well but l will try, firstly l chose a pattern that l liked ,not easy
really as l have so many smocking books the choice is very hard,this is the picture in the book

my DD wanted it in pink ,it has a brought collar so l decided to omit the
collar, to start smocking you take the material and roll it on a rod l use a bit of sellotape to hold it in place,
once it is rolled on l then place it through the machine and start to turn the handle
as you turn the handle it goes through the rollers and onto the needles and pleating begins
once you have got to the end you pull threads about 3 inches and cut the thread these are the needles in the machine 
then l traced the pattern and cut it out
l then do my smocking stitches and block the fabric to match the smocking guide and pull out the threads that the machine put in,after that you mark the armholes and now the scary bit
you cut armhole and then secure by sewing around armhole
then attach piping after that sew on bodice top and finish as you would any other dress

I won a give away on a blog this wonderful little chicken

she is so cute and sits on my table while i sew this was my first giveaway l have won and l was so pleased to
receive this wonderful present thank you so much to Kim at Heart in the country so sorry it has taken so long to blog about it.
I needed a new pin cushion and l saw this

at a car boot for 50p and thought it could be quite useful as it is quite heavy and that is what l needed something that would stay stillnd not move as l pulled the pin,s out so l rubbed it down

and painted it in my favourite colour l made a cushion and glued it in place added some
Ric rac and a bee hive button and voila,

l think its great as it,s quite big l can get an assortment of needles in and not get all knotted up as there is plenty of space for each type needle.

I have started to make a few presents we have some birthdays coming up and also i thought i would make an early start on
Xmas presents as it always has a habit of creeping up on me very quickly,what
promoted me was last week me and my sister went to the quilt
exhibition at the
NEC in Birmingham and l bought this new book

it has some
wonderful things in and l would love to make them all? maybe one day l can,t show these yet as my DD does read my blog. I am also making Maisey this smocked dress for her birthday next month and hopefully a cardigan too go with it hope to show you when it is

Now l would like to introduce
Jolliver Monkey Puzzle, Henry for short our new
Airedale terrier puppy he is 3 months old We have had him for 12 day,s now and he is settling in very nicely

, he and the cat get on quite
nicely teasing each other ,there is only a few weeks in their ages and he is a little scamp he keeps me very busy and with all the running around after him when he gets himself into mischief l will soon be down to a size 10
LOL ( l wish ). And finally l have
received this
wonderful award from Tracy over at
Tracy's crafty scraps thank you so much for thinking of me , you are a true friend .
This award is bestowed on to blogs that are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. deliver this award to six bloggers who must choose six more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award. I will pass this award to some of my bloggy friends that I find exceedingly charming…
I'd like to award it to:
Kim at heart in the country
Isabella at Suzys vintage attic
Alex at pink paradise
Josie at Sykesilly site
Rosa at surfer Rosa
Julie at gingerbread
How clever are you?! That dress is beautiful.
I just love the new doggy...XXX
Hi Pat!
I like your new puppy; I'm glad you took some pictures because in about 15 minutes he is going to quadruple in size!!!! I hope he is a nice new friend and loves all of your grand children.
Excellent tutorial! I made Ashley Rose several "heirloom" dresses when she was small, but I never tried smocking. I didn't want to purchase the machine just to find that I couldn't do it or it took forever to finish a project (I always picture peanut butter on the dress that I took FOREVER to make...that always caused me to shy away from doing too many difficult dresses - then the ones I did make, the real nice ones I didn't let her wear much!) I have sewed a few simple comfortable things for her in the last few years. The last nice thing I made was two flannel long-sleeve night gowns with a round yoke and silk ribbon embroidery; she refuses to wear them because she says they make her too hot! Of course that didn't stop them from getting a nice hot chocolate stain down the front of one of them!!! hee hee! Serves me right, worrying over stains!
Thank you for doing that tutorial - I understand smocking a little better now!
Have a good week!
C. C.
Hello Pat
Its so nice to see you back again.The christening dress is beautiful - Tabbetha looks delightful in it, you are one talented lady! I hope little Henry brings you great joy, after the loss of Digger - I have an 8 year old who is desperate for a dog & a husband who isn't....
Love Lydia xx
Really sorry to hear about Digger Pat. Your new little chap is sure to keep you busy - he is a little sweetheart. How clever are you with the smocking!! My daughter had a very similar dress for her christening (she was 1 year old then) but I bought it I am ashamed to say!!Its great that you do such wonderful things from the heart for your grandchildren. xxx
It sounds as though you are feeling much chirpier now!
Tabbetha looks very sweet in your beautiful creation – you are very talented Pat. However, I don’t think I shall be trying smocking out myself – it looks very complicated!!
And as for Jolliver Monkey Puzzle – he is so gorgeous – I bet he’s put a smile back on your face hasn’t he?
Love the pin cushion too!
Love Julia:0)
the smocking looks difficult but you make sound easy and I like the pin-cushion, you've done a great job!
and thanks for my award!
Josie x
Thanks for stopping by Pat - I think the frame does work well enough ..... must get on with my new pincushion next!:0)
Hi Pat, how is jolliver doing? he is so cute. Just to let you know i have moved blogs the new one is http://julieknitsjuliesews.wordpress.com been having so much trouble with the old blog have lost so much and had trouble linking to things. Hope come and visit. Julie
Oh my goodness!...that dress is amazingly gorgeous & so is Tabbetha!
What a wonderful dress. So beautiful. Thank you for your comments.
Love your smocking, Pat!! You are such a talented lady! Can't wait to see what you make from the new Sew Sunny book.
Love your new puppy, he looks like a right bundle of fun & mischief!!
Have a lovely weekend : )
Sharon xx
Hi Pat!
Needle felting is really easy. You just have to get a special needle (the needle has barbs which are pointing downwards so it can "grab" the felt fibers and enmesh them as you poke). Beware getting poked by the needle! When I try it, I will post some pictures and come "get" you so you can see!
C. C.
http://myowncontinuesthoughtsonceagain.blogspot.com/ is my blogg you may like it and I a fellower to your blogg as a sewer I think learn alot from you as designer and fashion major thanks!
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