Well how quick do those weeks go by? I had my sister up to stay for ten days and we did a bit of sewing but not much we just enjoyed the lovely sunny weather that we did have and did some chilling, i have been busy since though do you remember this

well l did a little sewing and we had a bit of a photo shoot with Lauren modeling and it turned into this

and Lauren was pleased with it so l got another pattern and this

turned into this

and this is the one she wants to wear when she goes to London. Well l was on a roll by this time and l have made her a skirt and a top too,

although the skirt is awaiting a zip, it's been realy nice as it's been about six years since l have made her any thing except for fancy dress and a bridesmaid dress, mom making your clothes is so not HIP but thankfully she now wants me to make more and oh boy she keeps adding to the list. I have been to a couple of car boots lately and Lauren has been asking for a desk so she can do her studying. Well she has a lovely old fashioned style bedroom suite and l did not want anything too modern in there plus l did not want to spend a lot of money so l have been keeping an eye out and this is what l found, this is the before shot
this is after
it should of been £25.00 but the nice kind man said l could have it for £15.00. Well what a bargain l nearly snatched his hand off, it needed some work doing to it so l rubbed it down and waxed and polished it and it has come up as good as new and my daughter well, she loves it and if it helps her study to become the lawyer she wants to be it was £15.00 pound well spent and hard work will be worth it. At the car boot l bought this lovely little ballerina, made in italy,

and another trinket box

both for 50p each, it always amazes me what other people don't want and are prepared to get rid of like two weeks ago on Sunday night, my son rang to say he was at a freinds house for a b b q and there was this table and chairs a bit close to the flames and my son said shall we move it and his friend said no its okay there nobody wants it so l am going to use it to put my car engines on and my son said l know someone who would like it so on recieving the call we went too look at it and this is what was waiting for me and i had a vision of how it could look,

it had been out in the rain for some time and some of the wood had split but l fell in love with it the moment l saw it and it came home with me and again some hard work rubbing it down and painting and this is now my new table and chairs

l think its very french country looking, l used fired earth egg shell paint in duck egg blue very fast drying and a great finnish and it did'nt stop there this little wot not cuboard or curio

another car boot find on Sunday got painted and my little tv table

also got a coat of paint and beleive you me if hubby had not woke up when he did he might of got a coat of paint as well because l just love this make of paint so l did these as well

there will not be any more hard work for my hands for a while as l have over done it a bit and they are quite achy now. Oh l have some good news to share a dear friend came to see me two weeks ago and after catching up on whats been happening in her life she asked me how l am doing and l sort of said oh l just sit here most days sewing and vegatating since i am not looking after my grandchildren after my son-in-law got made redundant and lo and behold she offered me a job, she is a manageress of a nursing home so when my police check comes through l will be giving the elderly patients their breakfasts clearing away and setting the table for the next meal then seeing what they want for the next day l will start at seven in the morning and be home for eleven with the rest of the day too myself, well thats whats been happening in my life for the past few weeks theres probably more, i will show you if l remember but l have been reading a few of your lovely blogs too, well l would like too wish you sunny days but here we are expecting a torrential down pour tonight so keep dry and keep safe lots of hugs Pat.
Wow you have been a busy bee! love the dresses, your DD looks so pretty in them. And you have found some great bargins too.
I am so loving that blue paint, its so pretty and zingy just what you need on these grey days.
Congratulations on you new job too! well done you.
Lovely "seeing" you in blogland again.
is there nothing that you are good at!!! Those dresses for Lauren are lovely!! I think mum's makes are definitely 'HIP' now!!
What a great job you've made of the kitchen table - it's beautiful!! I love the duck egg legs, and waxed top!! It would cost hundreds!! You're a bit like me, you don't paint very often, but when you do, you don't stop!! Love the matching little table, and kitchen bits too.
Like the waxed desk too, as you say it's amazing what people don't want!
I'm pleased to hear about the little job, they're nice hours, and it's good to have the rest of the day for yourself. Well done!!
Take care, have a rest, and have a lovely weekend ; )
Sharon xx
Wow Pat, you have been busy busy busy. I love all your dresses and she looks so gorgeous in them!!! I hope I can sew like that one day. You're awesome! Oh my goodness and all the furniture turned out soooooo lovely!! That is an amazing blue, I love it! No wonder you haven't posted in awhile, you've been working your little fanny off. ;) Wonderful job!!! I really adore your dresses.
♥ Teresa
My goodness, how creative you have been, I love the dresses and I think perhaps having one off outfits are coming back into fashion and girls are realising it is quite cool to be an indivual and not follow the crowd... the furniture is lovely I never seem to be in the right place at the right time!
well done you and what a lovely post!
x Alex
wow, the desk looks great and the table as well, well done! I've got cupboard that my son made and I want to paint it but not sure where to start?
Josie x
Oh my word, you have been a busy little bee!Lauren looks gorgeous in her new outfits!.Love all your painted things,the duck egg blue is so pretty!Congratulations on your job too!
Rachel x
Lovely sewing and refurbishing. You have been a busy girl.
Wow, wow and triple wow!!! You have been soooo busy!! Your sewing looks great and your diy is fantastic - you could make a business out of it!! Congratulations on the new job - great hours!! We got caught in the "deluge" in SHeffield on Wednesday night - had to take refuge in John Lewis!!! Came away having spent too much on fabric and wool!!! Every (very heavy rain) cloud has a silver lining. xxx
Hello I've just found your blog and it is most lovely. The dresses you made are great and the furniture is fab, will you come to my house and do some revamping please :) Well done on your new job.
twiggy x
How lovely to read your post! I like all of your dresses - I bet you have them tailored just right to fit your daughter, too...I bet they are very comfortable!
I just love your farm table. I am "looking" (not looking as much as just wanting, I guess) one just like it. I want to put a "house" type bookshelf on it to make it a desk.
I'm glad for all the good things going on for you right now! Have a nice week!
C. C.
Hi Pat, what is your email address so I can reply to your wonderful comments on my blog.
Thanks Fiona
Gorgeous dresses! I thought I had been busy until I saw all you have been up to! Good luck with th new job, I work in a nursing home also. kate x
I adore those dresses - especially the white/silver one. So pretty and elegant.
Duck egg blue is my favourite colour - you've done a fantastic job with it.
Hello Pat
YOu must feel so satisfied with all that you have done recently! So much done is rewarding. I love the white dress!!!
That shade of blue works really well, it is a favourite of mine. The furniture looks great. The table and chairs being my favourite I think.
Isabelle x
Hello Pat,
Looks like I'm not the only busy bee around blog land lately.
I adore all that lovely furniture, your daughters dress was a good bargin especially if she becomes a lawyer it will be the best £15 ever spent.
The home schooling us going really well, we are spending so much time together it's great. At the moment I do spend most of my spare time organising lessons but I'm learning so much and it's all coming in good use as I went to a quiz Saturday night with Mike and FIL and we came 3rd.
Hope you enjoy your new job.
Take care Joanne x
Cute blog :)
Hi Pat. Hope all is well with you. I have two awards for you on my blog.
Take care
Good grief, Pat, you've been so busy! Wish I lived near you, then I could ask you to teach me how to sew LOL
Lauren is one lucky girl to be the recipient of all of these lovely clothes.
Thanks so much for taking the time to visit my blog and leave me a comment. Hope you come again.
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